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E-Coder2 is not in stock. Status as of 6/10/2024 Introduction E-Coder2 is the control panel of the new generation with an HQ built-in stereo 24 bit audio codec with 114 dB dynamic range (CS4272). On the rear panel of the E-Coder2, you'll find four stereo Jack 6.3 connectors: headphones, microphone (designed for asymmetrical mics), CW-paddle, PTT footswitch. Microphone connector pin-out CW-paddle, PTT footswitch PTT Footswitch should be connected to the PTT socket, it controls the transceiver's TX mode. Straight Key should be connected to the KEY socket with disconnected ring contact. Pressing the key turns the transceiver to the TX mode and it generates a continuous CW signal (manual mode). Releasing the straight key returns the transceiver to the RX mode. Twin-paddle Key (single-paddle) should be connected to the KEY socket. Pressing one of the key's paddles (or one side - for single-paddle) will turn the transceiver to the TX mode and begin automatic generation of dots and dashes. Releasing the paddle returns the transceiver to the RX mode. In the Panel menu, you can see the settings of the E-Coder control panel. In the drop-down Device menu, you can select the type of the connected control panel. E-Coder2 settings in the ExpertSDR3 0.11.0 In the left part of the menu, you can see the schematic picture of the E-Coder panel with buttons and knobs. In the right part of the menu, you can see the main panel settings: There are three LEDs on the E-Coder panel, from left to right: For proper operation of the E-Coder2 panel USB-port should provide 5V, current not less than 0,5А. Otherwise, you might have issues with the audio—cracks, improper supply of the mic.E-Coder2 Control Panel with high resolution 1024 PPR encoder and built-in sound card
When you operate in RX mode, the ExpertSDR2/3 sends the same audio stream in the TRX and in the E-Coder2. Thus, you can listen to the air directly from the TRX or from the E-Coder2, the latency in both cases is the same - almost nonexistent. Also, in E-Coder2 we've implemented a special CW core to minimize latency if you monitor yourself during transmission. Now you can operate your TRX remotely, not bothering about possible monitoring delays, this is a new reality!
E-Coder2 will be especially useful for those who use the ExpertRemote system and who place their transceiver at any distance from the operating position.
When you press the footswitch, PTT Line connects to the Ground (Case), it turns the transceiver to TX. A red LED TX indicator on the panel will flash while you TX.
Note! If one E-Coder panel is connected to the transceiver, in the Panel menu displayed one E-Coder 1 tab, if several E-Coder panels are connected to the transceiver, in the Panel menu displayed several tabs E-Coder 1, E-Coder 2, etc. with identical settings for each panel.
Press any button, you'll see the list of the available functions.
Indication of mic and headphones signals.
1) Lights green when the VFO B is active
2) Lights red when on TX
3) Lights orange when the RX2 is active